Ok, so I know this isn't nearly as exciting as our Threads debut, but while Kathy was flipping though her modern sewing magazine, I was flipping through one from 1905. I just love the vintage inspriation you can glean from them. Here's a question posed by one reader to the editorial staff all those years ago. Can't you just picture the "fancy case" in your head.
To Hold A Baby's Layette
Can you suggest something new and dainty to hold a baby's layette? Aunt Mabel
Make a fancy case fashioned like the fold-over handkerchief-cases. Take a piece of figured sateen that will measure when folded in half twenty-seven inches by eighteen; line with silk, and pad and quilt the under side after strewing the wadding with violet orris powder; use fancy silk elastic and make straps across to hold the little garments in place. When the top is lifted all the little articles are handy.
By the way, Orris root powder has a scent similar to violet and is used for scenting perfumes, potpourri and sachets.